Merge: Connections Into Oneness

Level 4 Advanced Akashic Record Certification Program

Register for Live Online Class

Live 5-day Online Program

August 5 - 9, 2024

9:30am - 12:30pm EST (NY time) / 7 - 10pm IST


✨ Ready to explore the inherent simplicity in the complexities of relationships?

ʉϬ Ready to step up as sovereign creator (instead of victim) of your life while deeply connecting with others in light of the roles they are playing in your soul's evolutionary journey?

✨ On a mission to get to know yourself in the bigger scheme of things?

✨  Ready to shift focus to multidimensional soul-work, discovery and expansion?

✨  Ready to dive deeper into the depths of your soul to explore profound secrets that the Universe holds?

✨  Excited to explore your origin and know your soul family beyond time and Earth?

✨  Have a deep desire to connect with your universal roots?

You are welcome to join this live event!

Register Now

By now you are very familiar with the energy of Akashic record. You have experienced the records as a healing empowerment tool, your most accurate oracle guiding and supporting you on your life path. This workshop is an introduction into the Divine dance of polarities, the friction / relationship between the Masculine and Feminine and conscious relationships into the field of pure connection ~ Oneness.

As you explore this relationship with the Akashic realm at a more intimate level you will be presented with 'keys' into the mind, heart and soul of your own innate connection, intimate connections and contracts shared with other souls.

Dive deeper to connect with your soul family. Experience this spiritual, emotional and physical experience highlighted through attunements, universal wisdom, sacred ritual and meditations to create deep shifts and emotional release / clearing bringing you to a place of peace, truth, connection & empowerment.

Join us live on Zoom.

August 5-9, 2024

9:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST / 7 - 10 PM IST

 When the gateway opens you will discover
  • How intricately all souls are woven into Oneness 
  • Truth and myths about soulmate relationships and soul groups
  • The secular nature and power of unconditional love 
  • Parts of you that you offer freely and parts that you repress in relationships 
  • Past and present patterns of shadow self, fears, competition, division in behaviour, thoughts and feelings 
  • How to cultivate ‘wholeness’ and share this with another 
  • Deeper connection within your heart and how to expand this connection 
  • Hold-backs from experiencing deeply connected, long lasting relationships
  • Spiritual boundaries & Physical parameters 
  • Deeper issues, deeper scenarios relating to karmic soul mates and mirrored relationships 
  • Addictions, obsessions, separations, time apart, and the distance necessary for soul evolution 
  • Pitfalls to avoid
  • You will also explore the beings that come into your life to prepare you for conscious relationships
  • Begin to understand the call to unite and your unique mission together and as individual beings 
  • Invoke deity consciousness by invoking your higher self in relationships that connect you to divine Source and creation.
  • Create balance and equality in relationships.
  • Create harmony from chaos and expand love through manifestation, consciousness and co-creation.


Prerequisite: Successful completion of Akashic Record Practitioner Certification and Level 3 ~ Beyond Limitations Certification.

This workshop is an advanced level workshop that opens your awareness by attunement to higher octaves of Light and the workings therein.

If you have completed the level 3 certification and feel a strong connection to the Akashic realm you are welcome to send us a request for consideration clearly stating why you would like to attend this workshop.

This workshop is a tool for soul expansion. It strengthens your relationship with the records as you connect with the higher echelons of Akashic realm that exist in higher octaves of Light.

If you are ready to step forward on your spiritual journey to expand awareness and experience sublime truth that all have been seeking across time but few have found, you have arrived.

Refund Policy: Due to the individual and informative nature of the workshop making accountability a key element, refunds will not be given for any reason.

Book your spot ⏬️



>> Register Now✨

“As you embrace your truth, as you discover yourself all over again, as you see your beauty shine through the veils may you always remember that you are loved as you are without conditions, without pretenses, without any inconsistencies.”

•• Bhavya Gaur

Bhavya is a multi-dimensional worker, trauma-informed Life Mastery and success coach, Bestselling author, International speaker, Akashic Visionary, Master of Crystology, Reiki Master/Teacher.

Born as an intuitive, Bhavya has been walking the spiritual path dedicated to healing and empowerment for close to three decades.

She has been teaching Akashic record workshops in Canada, US, Australia, Europe, India and has thousands of happy students across the globe.

"It was a wonderful experience. So much love, support and grace. We truly are surrounded by our soul family. My heart expanded beyond words. The meditations were beyond this world. If I have to use one word for this workshop I'll say WOW! Truly amazing and immensely powerful. Bhavya is amazing.

If you learn from her you are lucky. Each workshop she teaches is magic!"

~ Khushi, 

“Dear Bhavya, thank you for the unforgettable experience during workshop. You changed the meaning of relationships for me and for that I will always be grateful from the bottom of my heart. Lot's and lots of love. God bless you for bringing joy to my life.”

~ Emilia Rocco

" Wow!!! The advanced level 4 workshop was mind blowing.

I love how with every workshop I leave feeling this was the ultimate experience ever and then I do the next level and it leave me speechless! The explanation and clarity I have received thanks to the workshop cannot be expressed in words. I'm grateful to the Universe for guiding me to Bhavya. My life is transformed and I feel so happy and blessed."

~ Mia Wentworth
Bath, UK

"The workshop with Bhavya was amazing. It is difficult to express in words. The experiences are unique to each participant.

Once in the session she gives freely, her warmth has no bounds. Though our sessions were for 3 hours, Bhavya often continued till well beyond patiently addressing our concerns and queries."

~ Deepa D
Delhi, India

Small groups